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Border incident: Border representatives of two countries meet in Leilek

Incident with use of weapons occurred at the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border. The Border Service of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan reported (SCNS).

Meeting of border representatives of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Tajikistan is held. The head of the Batken Regional Department of the Border Service Kiyalbek Tolonbaev is on the spot.

«According to preliminary data, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan was driving Kamaz truck along Maksat — Zhashtyk road. He stopped to take water from the irrigation ditch. At that time, three Tajik servicemen approached the driver, got into the truck and demanded to drive to the territory of Tajikistan. He continued to move along the road with Tajik border guards. In order to attract attention, the driver unexpectedly blocked the road for another car and managed to shout that he was detained by the Tajik military. The border guards of the neighboring country got out of the truck, and the driver continued driving. The servicemen of the Republic of Tajikistan opened fire at Kamaz, firing three shots at the tires and the windshield. The driver received minor injures,» the Border Service said.

The 47-year-old driver of water truck was injured as a result of the shooting in Maksat village.
