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Border guards of two countries exchange fire on border with Tajikistan

An incident with the use of weapons occurred on the Kyrgyz-Tajik section of the state border. The Border Service of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan informed 24.kg news agency.

According to it, while being on duty at a disputed section of the border in Teskei area of ​​Batken region, the Tajik border detachment, having changed the previously used route, moved to a new border guarding line and demanded from the border guards of Kyrgyzstan to leave the site.

Reinforcement forces came to the Tajik border guards. The border guards of Tajikistan, using their numerical superiority, tried to reach a new line. However, the Kyrgyz border guards did not allow the servicemen of the Republic of Tajikistan to do so. As a result, a shootout began, which lasted about 10 minutes. There are no wounded or injured from the Kyrgyz side.

A telephone conversation between the border representatives of the parties immediately took place, as a result of which decisions were made to withdraw border detachments from the scene of the incident until arrival of border representatives and to prevent movement of other additional forces and equipment to the area.

According to preliminary data, wounded were reported by the Tajik side.

Border representatives of the two countries hold negotiations. It is noted that Teskei area is a disputed section of the state border, but is actually used by citizens of Kyrgyzstan. The border units stationed in Batken region have been put on full combat alert.