Kyrgyzstan takes 76th place out of 163 in the Global Peace Index 2021 (GPI), compiled by the Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP).
Kazakhstan ranks the 67th, Kyrgyzstan — 76th, Uzbekistan — 90th, Turkmenistan — 109th among the Central Asian states. Tajikistan takes the 97th place in the index.
GPI covers 99.7 percent of the world’s population using 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators and monitors the global situation in three areas: the level of public safety, the scale of current internal and international conflicts, and the level of militarization.
Iceland has been the most peaceful country since 2008, while New Zealand, Denmark, Portugal and Slovenia share the top two places.
Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, South Sudan and Iraq are at the bottom of the ranking, with the exception of Yemen, which has been in the top five least peaceful countries since 2015. Afghanistan has been among the top three outsiders since 2010.
Authors of the index note that peacekeeping has declined and the average score has dropped by almost 2 percent over the past 15 years. Situation in 86 countries out of 163 has improved, in 75 — worsened, and in two — remained unchanged.