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COVID-19: Ministry of Health begins to pay compensations to doctors

The Ministry of Health and Social Development of Kyrgyzstan began to pay compensations to medical workers who have recovered from COVID-19 and the families of the deceased health workers. Press center of the ministry reported.

An order was signed on June 14, 2021 on payment of a one-time compensation to medical and other workers of healthcare organizations.

«In accordance with the procedure for paying compensations to medical and other healthcare workers infected with coronavirus, as well as to the families of medical and other workers who died as a result of infection with COVID-19 while performing their work duties and professional duty during the provision of medical care during an emergency situation and state of emergency, 200,000 soms and 1 million soms will be paid to each medical worker who submitted documents before January 11, 2021,» the ministry noted.

«According to the documents that have not been considered, the heads of health care organizations, in which medical workers work, were instructed to consider documents submitted to the commission before January 11, 2021 in accordance with the procedure within a week,» the ministry said.

The ministry added that to date, compensation (200,000 soms) has been paid to 196 medical workers, whose documents were considered by the commission, and 1 million soms — to the family of one deceased medical worker.

In total, compensation was paid to 1,121 medical workers and 33 families of the deceased medical workers.
