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Association of Historians to be created in Eurasia

It is planned to create an Association of Historians in Eurasia. It was announced at a round table discussion «Age of Eurasia: New Stage of Interaction and Cooperation.» The event is being held in Bishkek on the initiative of the Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia and with the support of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kyrgyzstan.

The proposal was made by the Deputy Head of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Stanislav Korolev. He also supported a Professor Bekbosun Borubashov, who proposed to study the legal norms of the Altai civilization, laid down in the customs and traditions of the peoples of Europe and Asia.

«For example, only the Kyrgyz and Kazakhs have proverbs about rulers and authorities. Our foundations of democracy and parliamentarism were laid back in the kurultais,» said Bekbosun Borubashov. According to him, not only scientists and historians will be interested in study of formation of kurultais and their role in society.

Stanislav Korolev noted that the rules of law that were formed in Altai were then borrowed by other civilizations, for example, Byzantine lawmaking or Sharia.

According to him, there is a proposal to create an Association of Eurasian Historians. Participants of the event supported this initiative.
