At least 49 and 52 percent of citizens of Kyrgyzstan rated the activities of political parties and courts, respectively, as negative. These are the results of a sociological survey, which was commissioned by the International Republican Institute (IRI — a non-profit organization, proclaiming assistance to individual countries in building democracy as its goal) at the end of 2018.
Respondents were asked to express their opinion about the activities of Kyrgyz and international organizations — positive or negative.
About 73 percent of respondents had a positive opinion about the Kyrgyz army. Only 19 percent answered that they had a negative opinion about it. At least 8 percent found it difficult to answer this question.
About 70 percent of respondents trust the mass media in Kyrgyzstan.
22 percent have a negative attitude towards the media.
Kyrgyzstanis have a positive opinion about the Parliament (52 percent of participants of the sociological survey). 36 percent of respondents expressed negative attitude.
Citizens of the country positively rated the Presidential Administration (55 percent). 31 percent of respondents spoke negatively about it.
A total of 1,500 people over 18 were polled during the survey.