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Government of Kyrgyzstan to cancel ban on registration of house land plots

The government of Kyrgyzstan has begun the procedure for canceling its decree banning registration of house land plots. The head of Nashe Pravo (Our Right) Public Foundation Kalicha Umuralieva told 24.kg news agency.

According to her, a representative of the government pleaded guilty and announced beginning of the procedure for repealing the decree dated October 31, 2018.

Recall, the Prosecutor General’s Office filed a lawsuit against the government after the Cabinet of Ministers ignored its decision to cancel the ban on registration of house land plots.

Residents of Bishkek staged a rally demanding to annul this government decree.

Due to the ban, residents of apartment buildings cannot register house land plots. In the case of proceedings, a court may consider that this land does not belong to the tenants, and withdraw it legally.
