The National List of Life-Saving Medicines and Medical Products was approved in Kyrgyzstan. The Consultant on Evidence-Based Medicine of the Ministry of Health Bermet Baryktabasova informed on Facebook.
"The list does not contain unproved means, obsolete ones, it is completely cleaned from «dummies «and irrational medicines. It contains anesthetics, antitumor drugs, children’s medicines, TB / HIV drugs,» she wrote.
The national list is approved by the government. It is the main state list for increasing the availability of basic vital medicines for the population and health organizations, used for hospital purchases, medical prescriptions, the State Guarantees Program and other reimbursable budget lists.
Recall, the list was last revised in 2012. In 2017, a new document was drawn up, 51 medicines were excluded and 95 new ones were added.