Residents of Chatkal district of Jalal-Abad region tried to take gold ore from the gold field Ishtamberdi. The regional police department informed news agency.
The CEO of Full Gold Mining turned to the police with statement. He said that at night about 50 people entered the mine and illegally dug out gold ore.
As the police told, cars of the local residents, which they supposedly used to come to the mine, are being checked. The suspects were interrogated.
According to preliminary data, 20 people entered the mine with special tools for excavations. Investigative and operational activities continue.
«Currently, 289 people are employed at the field, 270 of them are local residents. The average salary of employees is 20,000 soms. The Southern Office of the Main Directorate of the State Specialized Security Service provides the external security of the facility, internal — a private security company,» the police department added.