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Kyrgyzstan asks UN to assist in combating terrorism

Kyrgyzstan counts on expert, financial and technical assistance of the United Nations Organization for implementation of the program to counter extremism and terrorism. The Foreign Affairs Minister of Kyrgyzstan Erlan Abdyldaev stated at a meeting in New York with the Under- Secretary-General of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office Vladimir Voronkov.

As the press service of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Kyrgyzstan noted, at the meeting the head of the ministry «confirmed the support by the republic of UN programs on countering extremism and terrorism.» He said that Kyrgyzstan was interested in intensifying cooperation with the UN on attracting international expert, financial and technical assistance for the implementation of the program to counter extremism and terrorism for 2017-2022.

During the meeting, the sides also discussed issues on the international agenda in the field of security, fighting terrorism and extremism, the Kyrgyz Foreign Affairs Ministry said.
