USD 87.45
EUR 91.15
RUB 0.88

Underground parking near TsUM to be opened at the end of 2018

Underground parking near TsUM (Central Universal Department Store) will be opened in late 2018 — early 2019. 24.kg news agency was informed by the company, which conducts construction works.

According to Bishkekglavarhitektura, the order of TsUM Aichurek JSC is implemented by Gorproekt LLC, which is headed by Saparbek Sultanov. He designed the building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kirghizia and the Council of Ministers of the Kirghiz SSR, now the Government House of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Currently, excavation works are conducted along with laying of service lines. It is expected that the parking will have 3 floors down with a total area of ​​12,700 square meters, designed for 300-400 places.
