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Number of vaccines refusals increases in Bishkek

Number of vaccines refusals increases in Bishkek. The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Center of Bishkek reported.

According to its data, 1,157 refusals of vaccines were registered during 6 months of 2017, 1,065 of them (57.3 percent) — refusals for religious reasons, 368 (19.8 percent) — due to doubts about the quality of the vaccine, 43 (2.3 percent) due to lack of information, 378 (20.3) — for other reasons.

As the center noted, this can lead to a disease outbreak.

So, there has already been registered 2.1 times increase in the incidence of mumps in comparison with 2016 (49 cases compared to 23).
