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Declaration campaign: How much did ex-head of Tax Service earn

The Tax Service of Kyrgyzstan has begun publishing income declarations of officials for 2023. Data on the income and property of the former chairman of the state service, Altynbek Abduvapov, has also been presented. He headed the Tax Service from 2021 to 2024.

According to the declaration, the official earned 2,114,943.57 soms during the specified period. He indicated in the declaration that he owns a residential building with an area of ​​140 square meters and three cars.

Altynbek Abduvapov owns a computer worth 100,000 soms, as well as horses worth 220,000 soms.

It turned out that the former chief tax official of the country is interested in beekeeping. He has bees and hives worth 820,000 soms, bee brood worth 500,000 soms.

He did not indicate the property or income of his close relatives.
