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Supreme Eurasian Economic Council sums up results

A meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council was held in the Leningrad Oblast of Russia. The Treaty on the Establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union turns 10 this year, the Eurasian Economic Commission reports.

«Our association has established itself as one of the independent and self-sufficient centers of the emerging multipolar world and continues to develop dynamically.

The activities of the Eurasian Economic Union contribute to the expansion of trade and investment exchanges, building up business contacts, deepening of cooperation ties, and most importantly, integration interaction brings real benefits to each of the participants of our association, in fact, helps to ensure stable, sustainable growth of both the economies of the «five» states and the Eurasian region as a whole, leads to an increase in the quality of life and well-being of the citizens of our countries,» Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

According to him, the Russian Federation highly values ​​mutually beneficial multifaceted cooperation with partners and is interested in intensifying joint work to comprehensively strengthen the integration association.

The meeting participants approved the main directions of the international activities of the EAEU for 2025 — a system-forming document in this area, developed in accordance with the recommendations of the member states.

A protocol was approved on amendments to the Treaty on the EAEU in terms of a special mechanism for investigations and decisions on the application or non-application of special protective, anti-dumping and countervailing measures.

The leaders of the union countries were presented with reports from the commission on the functioning of the single services market and liberalization of individual service sectors in the Eurasian Economic Union.

An agreement was signed on a single customs transit system for the EAEU and a third party, which determines the fundamental legal basis for concluding individual international treaties of the Union with third countries on the creation of a single transit system.

The Supreme Eurasian Economic Council granted the Islamic Republic of Iran the status of an observer country in the EAEU.

The next meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council will be held at the end of May 2025 in Belarus.
