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Transport Ministry lays 684 kilometers of asphalt in 2024

The Ministry of Transport of Kyrgyzstan has completed the laying of 684.5 kilometers of bituminous-concrete surface since the beginning of 2024. The First Deputy Minister of Transport Talantbek Soltobaev said at a briefing in Bishkek.

According to him, these works were carried out at the expense of investment projects from the title list of the Ministry of Transport, state capital investments, as well as funds from the presidential fund. In addition, work was carried out to lay a rough surface layer and gravel pavement.

At the moment, there are 34,000 kilometers of roads in the republic, 19,000 of which are under the control of the Ministry of Transport. About 7,000 kilometers of them are roads with bituminous-concrete pavement.

The ministry also continues to implement priority projects on the construction of national roads, such as Bishkek-Naryn-Torugart, Bishkek-Osh, Suusamyr-Talas-Taraz and Osh-Batken-Isfana. Soltobaev noted that 80 percent of the work in these areas has been completed this year. After completing work on national highways, the ministry plans to move on to national and local roads.

«In recent years, we have been putting in operation 500-600 kilometers of new roads annually,» Talantbek Soltobaev added.
