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Apartment prices continue to grow in Bishkek

Prices of apartments continue to grow in Bishkek. The State Agency for Land Resources, Cadastre, Geodesy and Cartography made such a conclusion based on monitoring of the housing market.

According to the agency, in July, the average price of one square meter of an apartment was 85,045.85 soms, or $999 (at the current exchange rate of the National Bank of Kyrgyzstan), a house — 109,882.65 soms, commercial premises — 101,416.59 soms.

The price of a square meter of apartments in the capital for 7 months of 2024 increased by 17.83 percent, compared to the same period in 2023.

The agency notes that, according to data analysis, apartment prices in the capital began to grow evenly in 2024. Compared to the beginning of the year, the price of a square meter increased by 12.22 — 13.58 percent in July.

«Considering the demand for apartments in Bishkek, we can assume that prices will continue to rise. The increase in the price of building materials, inflation and the exchange rate difference between the dollar and the national currency are the main factors in the rise in the price of apartments. The price of apartments may also be affected by such a factor as the tightening of requirements of the State Construction Agency for construction companies in the construction of housing,» the statement says.
