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Investment Agency proposes to improve implementation of PPP projects

The National Investment Agency has begun discussing a draft law on amending legislation concerning public-private partnerships in Kyrgyzstan. The changes are intended to simplify and improve the process of implementation of PPP projects in the country, the agency reported.

The National Investment Agency notes that the law on PPP determines the main provisions of the partnership, but today it needs to further develop the legal conditions. According to the agency, an analysis of the legislation showed that many of its provisions lag behind international practice in seeking investment and require comprehensive changes.

It is necessary to add such stages of project implementation as financial closure, start of design, construction, operation and management, as well as transfer of assets. In addition, it is planned to simplify the process of selecting private partners, introduce a simplified competition for small projects and clearly determine the responsibilities of the bodies that organize these competitions.

PPP projects worth more than $1 billion are being implemented in the republic.
