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Followers of Yakyn Inkaar checked in Naryn, three detained

Nine people adhering to the ideology of the religious extremist movement Yakyn Inkaar were detained in Naryn region. The press center of the State Committee for National Security of Kyrgyzstan (SCNS) reported.

In addition, three more people renounced their ideology.

«Searches were carried out in Bolshevik village, At-Bashi district, Naryn region in the houses of nine active members of the religious extremist movement Yakyn Inkaar. Many books, notebooks and brochures of an extremist nature related to Yakyn Inkaar, electronic media (laptop, flash drives and phones) were found. Forensic examinations have been ordered on the seized materials,» the statement says.

The SCNS noted that nine adherents of Yakyn Inkaar were placed in the temporary detention center of the Internal Affairs Department of Naryn region.
