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Muras friendly futsal tournament to be held in Bishkek

Traditional friendly tournament Muras will be held in Bishkek on May 25-26. At least 16 teams gathered from representatives of various fields will participate in it. Website of the Kyrgyz Football Union (KFU) reported.

The teams Kyrgyz Respublikasynyn Presidentinin Komandasy, Zhogorku Kenesh, Kozomol, Aimaktar, Den-sooluk, Koopsuzduk, Femida, Elchiler, Sport Cheberleri, Journalister, Onor, ​​Bilim, Dostuk, Dinamo, Yiman, Banktar Zhana Business will take part.

The tournament will be held at the Gazprom health and fitness complex and the Kaba Uluu Kozhomkul Sports Palace. Broadcasts of the games will be available live on KTRK Sport and ElTR TV channels.

Anyone can also freely attend the matches of the Muras tournament.

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov also took part in previous tournaments, and became the top scorer of the tournament several times.
