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Active participants of pogroms in dormitory with foreigners detained in Bishkek

Law enforcers detained two guys — active participants of pogroms in the dormitory where foreign students live in Bishkek. The press service of the Department of Internal Affairs of the capital reported.

«On May 18, 2024 at about 1.00 a.m. unknown people entered the dormitory located on April 7 Street, where they inflicted bodily injuries to foreigners and caused material damage, destroying their property. The Investigation Service of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Bishkek opened a criminal case on mass riots. 21-year-old and 25-year-old guys were detained, who were placed in a temporary detention center,» the statement says.

The Main Department of Internal Affairs of the capital noted that currently the staff is conducting investigative and operational-search activities to detect the whereabouts and detain other persons involved in the attack on the hostel.

A spontaneous protest against foreigners, which began in the evening of May 17 in Bishkek, ended only in the morning of May 18. The police managed to come to an agreement with the protesters, and they opened Chui Avenue, and dispersed a little later.

Following a fight on May 13 in a hostel, which was one of the reasons for the protests, the police detained four citizens of Egypt; they were later placed under house arrest. A criminal case was initiated under the article «Hooliganism» of the Criminal Code of the Kyrgyz Republic.
