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Change of state flag: Kyrgyzstanis organize flash mob on social media

Social media users launched a flash mob under the posts of the President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov on Instagram and Facebook.

They leave comments and ask the head of state not to support changing the state flag. Kyrgyzstanis write: «Don’t touch the flag!»; «Sadyr Nurgozhoevich! We, the people of Kyrgyzstan, are against changing the flag!»; «Leave the flag alone!»

So far the president has not responded to the requests of his compatriots.

Earlier, Parliament adopted in the first reading a bill on changing the state flag. 66 deputies voted for it, 8 — against.

The upcoming change of the country’s flag is being actively discussed in Kyrgyzstan. Speaker of the Parliament Nurlanbek Shakiev put forward the initiative. According to the initiators, change of the sun’s rays is aimed at improving the flag. However, social media users do not agree with the proposal.

The head of state also spoke on this matter. According to Sadyr Japarov, in general he supports the idea.

Chairman of the State Committee for National Security Kamchybek Tashiev also supported the change. He stated: «The flag should not look like a sunflower, but should give the image of a shining sun.»
