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Infant and maternal mortality rate decreases in Kyrgyzstan

A staff meeting was held at the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan, at which the results of the work for the first half of the year were summed up. Press center of the ministry reported.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Edil Baisalov noted that infant and maternal mortality decreased for the first half of the year.

«This shows a more efficient work of medical personnel, improved medical technologies and the availability of quality treatment. One of the most significant indicators of healthcare system success is the decline in infant mortality. Introduction of new maternal and child health programs, increased access to pediatric services, education and training of future parents in child care contributed to the improvement of the rate. Increased access to obstetric services, support for pregnant women and improved training of medical staff have reduced maternal mortality. This is an important step in ensuring the health of future generations,» he said.

According to the official, additional measures are planned to increase the availability of medical care in remote areas, development of digital solutions and the introduction of innovative approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases.

«Achievements for the first half of the year show that the direction chosen is correct. The government is committed to further improving the quality of medical services and ensuring the health of the country’s population,» he added.

According to preliminary data from the National Statistical Committee, the overall mortality rate in the republic reduced by 12 percent compared to the previous year, infant mortality — by 1.3 percent, and maternal mortality by 12.6 percent, the Ministry of Health reported.

The head of the ministry, Gulnara Baatyrova, noted that the ministry received «excellent» mark from the Cabinet of Ministers for the implementation of the Action Plan for 2023.

«This is a high assessment, which we must confirm at the end of the year. I assign personal responsibility for the implementation of the planned activities to the heads of departments. These are the introduction of the medicines traceability system, launch of the Medical Tourism cluster, mechanism for paying primary health care providers and the revision of the State Guarantee Program, creation of a center for assessing skills and competencies,» she said.

The heads of healthcare organizations were instructed to take personal control over the introduction of a digital outpatient card to switch to paperless medical records.

According to the minister, an online platform for collecting and processing medical statistics should be developed by the end of the year so that no one else comes to Bishkek to submit annual reports.

«Thus, we will ensure high-quality and prompt receipt of statistical data and will save almost 7 million soms on travel expenses,» she added.
