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Shootout in Dmitrievka: Local authorities to help restore burnt-out house

Local authorities will help restore the house of a resident of Dmitrievka village, which burned down during a special operation on Wednesday. Its owner Rabiya Valieva told 24.kg news agency.

«We have had such grief. I am 65 years old. We haven’t been there yet — they won’t let us in there. They said the house burned down completely. People called from the aiyl okmotu (rural administration) and promised to help with the restoration of the house. Some people also called from the State Committee for National Security, saying that they would also help,» she said.

According to the woman, she was taken for interrogation to the police concerning the tenant who rented the house.

A shootout was reported this morning in one of the houses in Dmitrievka village. The Ministry of Internal Affairs announced elimination of a terrorist who offered armed resistance during arrest. During the special operation, two people (law enforcement officers) were injured. According to the owners of the house, the man rented the house with his wife and child a few days ago. They came from Osh.

It turned out later that foreign tourists, who rented part of the house, also suffered as a result of the special operation. The fire destroyed their belongings and documents.
