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Number of people suffering from mental disorders grows annually in Kyrgyzstan

The number of people suffering from mental disorders is growing from year to year in Kyrgyzstan. The Republican Center for Psychiatry and Narcology reports.

According to the center, 54,453 people are under inpatient supervision, 31,300 of them are men and 23,100 are women. Other 31,820 patients are consultative.

«These figures do not show the full picture of the mental health of the population, it must be borne in mind that they are official. Unfortunately, statistics are increasing from year to year, and there are many factors influencing this. One of the most common mental illnesses is depression,» representatives of the center reported.

The World Mental Health Day is celebrated around the world on October 10 every year. It was established in 1992 in order to tell the world about the problems of mental illness, the causes of their development and methods of treatment.

The Republican Center for Psychiatry and Narcology launched «Healthy Mind, Healthy Body» information campaign. It is aimed at combating disinformation, eradicating stigma and discrimination against people with mental disorders, and promoting a healthy lifestyle. The center will host an open house day on October 10. Everyone will be able to get a free and anonymous consultation of psychiatrists, as well as psychologists there.
