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Poachers captured by camera traps installed by NABU in Naryn

Camera traps installed by Bars anti-poaching group captured poachers in Naryn region of Kyrgyzstan. Spokesperson for the branch of the Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU) Zarina Esenbaeva told.

«Camera traps were installed from February 24 to April 15 on the so-called poaching trails in Tunduk, Shamshy, Kor-Kul and Zhalgash areas. Unknown people with hunting rifles and fishing nets were captured,» she said.

The obtained evidence of illegal activity was transferred to the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision, as well as to law enforcement agencies.

The camera traps were installed in those areas of Naryn region, where a moratorium on hunting is in force.
