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Every migrant in Russia to be monitored through special application

An amended draft law on migrants will be submitted to the State Duma of Russia in the third quarter of 2020. The President of the Federation of Migrants of Russia Vadim Kozhenov told at a briefing.

According to him, serious changes are proposed.

A decision on an ID card of migrant will come into force. Every foreigner who comes to Russia for more than 30 days will be required to get this document. It will allow migrants to legally stay in the country for a long time, and will also become a convenient and compact identity card for a period of 10 years.

«Any correct optimization of legislation makes it better for everyone — both for Russia and migrants. If it is easy and understandable for a migrant to draw up a document, it will be great. As soon as they begin to do this, all migrants will undergo fingerprinting, everything will be clear for us also.

A certain system is planned — an application for a migrant’s mobile phone with undisableable geolocation.

We will see exactly where the migrant is,» Vadim Kozhenov said.

Earlier it was reported that an average salary of migrants in Russia is 47,100 rubles per month.
