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COVID-19. Bishkek City Hall tells about quarantined schools

Three Bishkek schools 13, 28 and 52 returned to distance learning. Press service of the capital’s City Hall reported.

Full switch to online education depends on the number of contact with a sick child or teacher among students and teachers. «The final decision is made by the epidemiologists of the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. When infected children or teachers are detected, work is carried out promptly in accordance with the algorithms of the Ministries of Education and Science, Healthcare and Social Development and the order of the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance,» the City Hall said.

In addition, according to the instructions of the Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, 11 classes in seven schools switched to online education.

The City Hall added that as of April 9, at least 22 children and 16 teachers had confirmed COVID-19.
