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Construction of infectious diseases hospitals in Naryn, Osh not completed

Construction of infectious diseases hospitals in Osh and Naryn has not yet been completed. Press service of the State Agency for Architecture, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Kyrgyzstan informed 24.kg news agency.

Work at the construction sites has been suspended. It was previously reported that the both facilities are 89 percent complete.

«The reason is suspension of construction financing by the Social Partnership Fund for Regional Development,» the state agency noted.

Construction of the experimental pre-fabricated infectious diseases hospital in the southern capital of Kyrgyzstan with 100 beds began on July 28. Earlier, the mayor of Osh, Taalaibek Sarybashov, reported that it would begin admitting patients in November. In general, the facility was planned to be commissioned in October 2020.

Construction of a 70-bed hospital for treatment of infectious diseases in Naryn began on August 4. It was planned to construct a one-story building in the form of a light structure, taking into account the weather and climatic conditions of Naryn.
