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Justice Ministry supports live broadcasts from court hearings via the Internet

The Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyzstan initiates amendments to existing legislation that will allow live broadcasts from any open court hearing via the Internet.

Lawyers of the ministry prepared amendments to the Civil Procedure Code, Administrative Procedural Code and the law on the Supreme Court and local courts.

As the Committee on Constitutional Legislation and State Structure of the Parliament told 24.kg news agency, the amendments aim to fill the gap in the procedure for obtaining court permission to organize a live broadcast of a court hearing via the Internet.

The Ministry of Justice also proposes to change the procedure for collecting state fees in the courts. If earlier its amount was determined based on the amount of the claim, now lawyers insist that its size should be determined based on the amount disputed in the complaint.

According to the deputies, the Parliament will also consider the initiative of the Ministry of Justice on abolishment of inter-district courts. It is proposed to introduce the institution of administrative courts instead of them.
