USD 87.45
EUR 90.60
RUB 0.86

Microcredits for 23.1 billion soms granted in 2018 in Kyrgyzstan

Microcredit organizations of Kyrgyzstan granted loans for 23,116.2 billion soms in 2018. The National Statistical Committee reports.

At least 481,900 people obtained loans. Compared to the previous year, the number of people covered by microlending increased by 56.5 percent, and the volume of granted microloans increased by 5,949.7 billion soms.

Significant amounts of microcredits were granted in Bishkek (4,661.2 billion soms), Osh (4,638.4 billion soms), Chui (3,493.2 billion soms) and Jalal-Abad (3,089.1 billion soms) regions.
