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Aigul-Tash mountain proposed to be made specially protected area

The territory of Aigul-Tash mountain is proposed to be transferred to the category of a specially protected zones. The State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry of Kyrgyzstan reported.

After the transformation of the reserve’s land into protected area, the agency proposes to transfer it to the balance of the forestry of Batken region. Currently, 253.9 hectares of Aygul-Tash botanical reserve are agricultural territories and are on the balance of Kara-Bulak rural administration.

«The territory of the reserve needs special supervision. It is necessary to lay a power line, to install transformers; landscaping and measures to preserve and increase the number of rare Aigul flower are needed. The agency has all the possibilities for this,» the statement says.

Botanical reserve Aigul-Tash was created in 2009.
