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Activists-environmentalists call to plant trees in Bishkek

Youth movement MoveGreen calls Bishkek residents to plant a tree in your yard, at a school, at an office and take care of it within a year.

«For more people to follow your example, we suggest to post photos at work and / or of planted trees, marking its place (address of the house or intersection of streets) with a hashtag #GreenBishkek and mark a friend to hand over a green baton,» the movement suggests.

At the end of the campaign, all photos will be put on the map, which will allow to see how «green» our beloved city is, and to track the fate of the planted trees next year.

Activists remind that it is allowed to plant trees without coordination with municipal services of the city in «restricted territory» only. This is a yard of a storeyed building, the territory of a municipal institution (school, kindergarten and other institutions). Usually these territories are located from the sidewalk to the building. A tree should be located 2 meters away from wires and underground communications and not less than in 5 meters from a building.

The five-day campaign is to be completed on March 25 by symbolic turning off the lights in the houses from 8.30 pm to 9.30 pm in «Earth Hour.»
