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Huawei, IBM to be involved in Smart City project in Kyrgyzstan

«I want to say honestly at once that the Chinese company Huawei will definitely be involved in implementation of Smart City,» Prime Minister Sapar Isakov said at an informal meeting with journalists today.

According to him, there are already the first results of Taza Koom project — the state services portal has been launched. But there is a slip with Smart City. The government did not agree with potential investors on the format of work. The third shareholder, who was going to invest $ 60 million, went back. As a result, the Cabinet had to revise the format of the work. But Sapar Isakov promised a result in the near future.

«This will be a direct investment agreement. Huawei will be involved. It is the largest company in the world that deals with similar projects. The technology will be the same as in the project Smart Dubai. Maybe it will be even better, because our project is being implemented now. Maybe the cameras will be better,» Sapar Isakov said.

I must admit that no one in Kyrgyzstan is an expert in Smart City project. Therefore, I set the condition for technical supervision over the project. To do this, we are attracting IBM, so that later we will not be told — cheap cameras have been installed or something is wrong. And for me it will be a guarantee, and it is confidence for the people.

Sapar Isakov

«In addition, we want to insure the deal, to have technical supervision over the project. I deal with this issue every day, because this is the number one problem. At once I will say that there will be unpopular steps. As for the fines, they will come to the post office, and they will have to be paid. Those who do not pay, for example, will not be able to get a loan, car can be taken away through the court. It is not ruled out that the debtors will be banned from leaving the country. But this issue is only being studied. It is necessary that such measures to correspond to international standards and there will be no violations of human rights,» Sapar Isakov concluded.
