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New Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan to be elected after September 1

An extraordinary session of the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan, scheduled for August 21, will not take place. Sources in the Parliament informed 24.kg news agency.

It was noted that the Prime Minister Sooronbay Jeenbekov will resign on August 21. The new government will be formed in the working order — after the summer recess and start of the regular session of Parliament on September 1. Parliament members will also elect a new prime minister.

Experts believe that Sapar Isakov, who now takes the post of the head of the presidential staff, will become the new head of the Cabinet.

The question of changing the parliamentary speaker disappeared when the current one — Chynybay Tursunbekov (member of SDPK) — renounced his presidential ambitions and agreed to support the nominee from the ruling party, Sooronbay Jeenbekov, in the upcoming elections.
