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State language test: Three leaders did not change

Presidential candidates in Kyrgyzstan continue to take the state language test. As a result of the test, the three leaders did not change.

Former member of the interim government Azimbek Beknazarov passed the test for 86.4 points.

Tokobubu Talasbayeva, the Chairwoman of Uluu Chyndyk NGO got 79.77 points. The consultant of Dos Bereke-1 LLC Damira Toktosunova received 73.65 points.

Three leaders in state language test are the same since the last week. Adakhan Madumarov, leader of Butun Kyrgyzstan party (96.77 points) takes the first place, followed by Tursunbek Akun (94.75 points), the former Ombudsman, and Sooronbay Jeenbekov, the Prime Minister.

Candidates for presidency will continue to pass state language test today.
