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State language test: Education Ministry of Kyrgyzstan promises no discrimination

The Minister of Education and Science of Kyrgyzstan Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva gave explanations to deputies at a meeting of Parliament in connection with the previously adopted order, according to which applicants entering higher education institutions will need to take a Kyrgyz language test.

According to her, there will be no discrimination against representatives of other nationalities — the language test will not affect admission to universities.

«This will be a trial test. At the next stages, we will make Kyrgyz language test mandatory. We will also monitor how the standards of learning the Kyrgyz language are observed in private schools,» she said.

The Ministry of Education issued an order, according to which passing the Kyrgyz language test for applicants entering higher educational institutions based on the results of the Nationwide Testing will become mandatory starting from 2024.
