Juvenile delinquency declines in
Despite the decrease in the number of committed crimes by 24.2 percent, the problem remains topical. In 2016, the minors have committed 812 crimes — 259 less than in 2015.
In total, there are 3,627 registered by juvenile inspections offenders and 739 vulnerable families (parents who negatively influence their children) in the republic. At least 842 crimes were committed against children.
Under the legislation on the prevention of delinquency among minors, the prosecutor’s bodies have conducted 248 inspections in 2016. About 208 action orders, 76 instructions, 35 warnings have been drawn up, 9 disciplinary and administrative proceedings were instituted.
At least 293 persons were brought to disciplinary responsibility, one criminal case was instituted, and one suit was brought to court under the prosecutor’s response acts.