UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, who is visiting Bishkek, noted both positive and worrying trends in Kyrgyzstan’s development at a press conference.
Positive changes
Volker Türk emphasized that the Kyrgyz Republic has a long partnership with the UN Human Rights Office. The organization’s office has been working in the country since 2006 and covers all of Central Asia. He expressed his gratitude to the government for the invitation to visit the Republic and the frank and constructive discussions, including a meeting with the UN Resident Coordinator in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The High Commissioner welcomed the signing of the border agreement with Tajikistan, noting the importance of its implementation in accordance with international law. He noted that Kyrgyzstan demonstrates high economic growth and has a developed civil society, as well as strong legal and institutional frameworks.
«It is important for a prosperous society to be based on human rights, non-discrimination and the rule of law. This also contributes to investor confidence and sustainable business development,» Volker Türk noted.
Worrying trends
At the same time, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights expressed concern about the shrinking space for independent work of civil society. «We are seeing worrying signs of pressure on civil society and independent journalism, which is creating an atmosphere of fear and self-censorship,» he said.
Volker Türk is particularly concerned about cases of pre-trial detention and criminal prosecution of journalists, bloggers, activists, human rights defenders and political opponents for expressing their opinions and participating in peaceful assemblies. He emphasized that the Kyrgyz Republic is at a turning point, when the country’s future path in the field of human rights and democratic development will depend on the decisions taken.