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New deepfake fraud scheme emerges in Kyrgyzstan

A new telephone scam scheme using digital deepfake technology to fake the identity of the caller has emerged in Kyrgyzstan. The press service of the National Bank reported.

According to it, the fraud scheme looks like this:

  • Fake contact. A citizen receives a call or message from an account that looks like it belongs to a loved one or an acquaintance. The account may contain the real name and photo of this person.
  • Alarming message. The «acquaintance» reports problems with a bank account (for example, an allegedly unauthorized loan or a threat of withdrawal of funds).
  • «Employee» of a bank or law enforcement agency. Soon, an unknown person contacts the citizen, introducing himself or herself as an employee of the National Bank or law enforcement agency. He or she «confirms» the problem and recommends transferring the money to some «safe account».

The National Bank emphasizes: this is a fraudulent scheme, the purpose of which is to gain access to citizens’ money. The bank strongly recommends:

  • Remain vigilant. Do not trust such calls and messages, even if they seem credible.
  • Recheck the information. Contact the person on whose behalf the message was received, using the phone number you know, to verify the authenticity of the information. Contact your bank or law enforcement agencies through official communication channels.
  • Do not share personal information. Do not share personal information, bank card details (number, PIN code, CVV code) and codes from SMS messages with anyone.