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Deputies informed about working conditions of Kyrgyz-Turkish Hospital in Bishkek

Ratification of the agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers and the Government of Turkey on the joint management of the Bishkek State Hospital of Kyrgyz-Turkish Friendship named after Recep Tayyip Erdogan was submitted to the Parliament of Kyrgyzstan for consideration.

The agreement, drawn up for five years, stipulates that the hospital’s activities will be fully financed by the Turkish side. Every five years after the extension of the agreement, the Turkish side will allocate $32 million. Turkey will pay the personnel costs of its compatriots directly, without transferring them to the hospital budget.

In addition, a maximum of 20 doctors from Kyrgyzstan will undergo training in Turkey per year for further employment in this hospital.

It should be noted that regarding patient co-payments, fees for examinations, diagnostics, and treatment, in the presence of tariffs established by the legislation of Kyrgyzstan, the prices established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic are applied.

Deputy Minister of Health Kaarmanbek Baidavletov stated that the hospital currently employs 12 Kyrgyz doctors and 9 Turkish doctors, as well as 30 nurses who are citizens of Kyrgyzstan and 19 nurses who are citizens of Turkey.
