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Cadaveric organ transplantation to be developed in Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan intends to develop cadaveric organ transplantation — a corresponding bill is ready. The Minister of Health, Alymkadyr Beishenaliev, told 24.kg news agency.

According to him, the document will soon be submitted for public discussion.

«This will be a very big achievement for the Kyrgyz Republic. Two teams of our specialists have been prepared, who will be trained in liver transplantation and other cadaveric organ transplantation in Russia, Turkey and Kazakhstan for free. The equipment has already been ordered,» the Minister of Health said.

He noted that cadaveric transplantation is in demand and developed in the world, including in neighboring countries — Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan.

For example, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the procedure for transplanting organs and tissues from a deceased donor is provided for by the Code «On the Health of the People and the Healthcare System». According to the document, people can declare their disagreement with the removal of their organs during their lifetime. The spouse and/or one of the close relatives also have the right to declare their disagreement in writing.

«Everyone thinks first of all about a heart transplant, although other organs can also be used — liver, kidneys, bone marrow,» Alymkadyr Beishenaliev added.

He said that cadaveric transplants are also allowed in Muslim countries, Islam does not prohibit them.

«This is the need of the time. As a surgeon, I want to introduce it in time. We have hospitals where transplantations can be performed. But the problem is that some patients cannot find a donor. A cadaveric transplant can solve some percentage of the problem. All the nuances are described in the bill,» Alymkadyr Beishenaliev explained, noting that a center will be built for the rehabilitation of citizens with transplanted organs.

Domestic doctors previously said that living related donation is not a solution to the problem of transplantology, so cadaveric donation needs to be developed.
