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More than 500 social facilities being built in Kyrgyzstan

More than 500 social facilities are being actively built in the country, including schools, kindergartens, hospitals, medical and obstetric centers, etc. The head of the Macroeconomic Policy Department, Almaz Abdekirov, reported.

According to him, state capital investments will be directed to the completion of current construction projects and the commissioning of social facilities. It is also planned to create new irrigated lands through the construction of water management structures and irrigation canals.

«More than 500 social facilities are being actively built in the country, including schools, kindergartens, hospitals, medical and obstetric centers, etc. By the end of the year, it is planned to commission about 100 educational institutions, 50 kindergartens, and 50 other social facilities,» Almaz Abdekirov noted.

He also added that projects are being implemented in the energy and transport sectors of Kyrgyzstan, including renewable energy facilities and thermal power plants in Bishkek. In addition, it is planned to build multi-level parking lots and transport hubs.

At the end of March, the head of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov announced that 100 industrial and 100 social facilities would be opened in the republic by the end of the year. The list of already opened enterprises is available at the link.
