The Flour Millers Association has begun the second stage of its development. The head of the Association, Rustam Zhunushev, announced at a press conference.
According to him, only 6-7 flour mills operated in Kyrgyzstan in 2020. Thanks to the preferences provided since 2021, it was possible to launch more than 20 new enterprises throughout the republic. Today, there are 33 flour mills operating in the country.
«We have completed the first stage of restoring our industry by focusing on processing. Previously, there was little grain in the country and the crop production area was decreasing because there were no processing capacities. Now, when processing has been established, we are moving on to the second stage — increasing our own raw materials and strengthening the raw material base,» he noted.
Rustam Zhunushev added that to date 5-6 flour milling enterprises already export products with added value, including pasta and confectionery, to Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Russia and Mongolia.