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President lays capsule at construction site of building of Children's Hospital

President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov laid a capsule at the construction site of a new multidisciplinary unit of the National Center for Maternal and Child Welfare. The press service of the head of state reported.

The hospital will have 350 beds. It will have an admission unit with isolation wards, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation departments, intensive care units for oncology and oncohematology, palliative care, traumatology and orthopedics, microsurgery, gastroenterology with liver transplantation, specialized care departments and others.

Sadyr Japarov noted that the International Children’s Day will be celebrated in ten days. The state, for its part, promises to take care of children in every possible way and bring them joy.

Addressing the audience, the President said that everyone was witnessing a good initiative aimed at taking care of children and their mothers, who are the future of the country.

«It is known that a third of the total population of the republic are children. Taking care of their health is the direct responsibility of the state. Organizing new departments in the field of pediatrics and building a multidisciplinary Children’s Hospital in connection with the growing number of their diseases has become a requirement of today. The National Center for Maternal and Child Welfare needs a new modern building to improve clinical and diagnostic capabilities such as kidney and liver transplantation, cochlear implantation for children with congenital hearing loss, treatment of retinopathy and bone marrow transplantation for children with leukemia,» he stressed.

Sadyr Japarov added that the National Center for Maternal and Child Health, despite the fact that it is a scientific institution, is also implementing state policy to reduce morbidity, mortality and disability among women and children. It provides organizational and methodological assistance to health care authorities in the field of maternal and child health, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics and pediatric surgery.

The head of state expressed confidence that in the second half of 2025 the hospital will begin admitting children and mothers with health problems.
