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Land plots lease period for construction of RES increased in Kyrgyzstan

The Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan made changes to some decisions in the field of renewable energy sources (RES). The corresponding resolution was signed by the Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Akylbek Japarov.

The document was developed for the purpose of development, implementation and construction of renewable energy sources, as well as the commissioning of new generating capacities.

In particular, the period for leasing land plots used by state land users for the construction of energy installations using renewable energy sources has been increased from 5 to 25 years.

If there is no investor activity at various stages of land lease, there are conditions for their return in the following cases:

  • Absence of project design documentation for renewable energy objects within three months after receiving the land plot;
  • The lack of a preliminary feasibility study and a confirmed source of financing for the implementation of the project by renewable energy entities within six months after receiving the land plot;
  • Failure to carry out construction work by renewable energy entities within a year after receiving the land plot.