USD 87.45
EUR 91.60
RUB 0.96

Documents on financing construction of Kambarata HPP 1 ratified

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic signed a law on the ratification of the financing agreement (technical assistance for Kambarata HPP 1 project) between the Kyrgyz Republic and the International Development Association (World Bank). The grant agreement between Kyrgyzstan and IDA was also ratified.

The law provides for the implementation of internal state procedures necessary for the ratification of these documents.

The financing agreement and the grant agreement provide for the provision of a loan to the Kyrgyz Republic in the amount of $3 million and grant funds in the amount of $2 million from the International Development Association to update the feasibility study of Kambarata HPP 1 construction project and assess its technical feasibility, improve environmental and social sustainability, as well as strengthen its financial and commercial base.
