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Cyberathlete Bakyt Emilzhanov about participation in The International 2022

Cyberathlete Bakyt Emilzhanov told about his emotions from participating in The International 2022 and the 2nd place his team has taken.

«We started the tournament not from the best position. We came to it not directly, but through qualifying games. But, on the other hand, during this time we managed to feel ourselves, play out, develop a strategy. In the final, meditation helped to cope with emotions, the opportunity to just be with yourself, to concentrate,» he said.

The cyberathlete Bakyt Emilzhanov from Kyrgyzstan, known as W_Zayac, took the 2nd place as part of Team Secret at the Dota 2 World Championship — The International 2022. His team won $2.4 million.
