USD 87.45
EUR 90.93
RUB 0.90

CASA 1000 project: 500 kilovolt line under construction in Kyrgyzstan

Construction of a power transmission line of 500 kilovolts is underway as part of the implementation of CASA 1000 project in Kyrgyzstan. National Electric Network of Kyrgyzstan OJSC reported.

In total, 455.6 kilometers of the power line will be laid in Kyrgyzstan from Datka substation through Jalal-Abad, Osh and Batken regions to the border with Tajikistan.

To date, access roads to 1,164 supports have been built, foundation pits have been dug for them, reinforcement and concrete pouring have been made. In total, 1,241 supports will be built under the project.

«150 units of special equipment, special vehicles, vehicles and 329 workers are involved, about 70 percent of them are local residents. Construction and installation of a 500 kilovolt unit at Datka substation in Jalal-Abad region has begun,» the company said.

The CASA 1000 project is designed to link the energy systems of Central Asia with South Asia — Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan with Afghanistan and Pakistan and develop mechanisms for electricity trade in accordance with international standards.
