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3,000 ethnic Kyrgyz receive citizenship in 2021

At least 3,000 ethnic Kyrgyz received citizenship in 2021. The Deputy Minister of Digital Development of Kyrgyzstan Zalkarbek Karybekov said at a meeting of the parliamentary committee on constitutional legislation, state structure, judicial, legal issues and regulations.

«In 2021, there were 5,000 people in the border areas, but the numbers are not accurate. We can gather statistics on documents submitted for gaining citizenship. About 3,000 ethnic Kyrgyz received documents in 2021. Citizenship is granted to them in a simplified manner according to the presidential decree,» Zalkarbek Karybekov said.

The Ministry of Digital Development proposes amendments to the law on citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic and on external migration.

«Ethnic Kyrgyz previously could not get the relevant documents with an expired passport. In the draft law, we propose to issue documents based on an expired passport of another country, since, for example, ethnic Kyrgyz from Tajikistan do not have the opportunity to go and renew their passport,» the Deputy Minister said.

The Committee supported the draft law in the first reading.
