USD 87.44
EUR 94.43
RUB 0.97

Limit on purchase of fuel set at gas stations in Bishkek

Several gas stations in Bishkek set a limit on the purchase of fuel. Readers told 24.kg news agency.

According to them, gasoline can be bought for not more than 1,000 soms. Restrictions, in particular, apply to AI 92 gasoline. Gas station employees explain this by the lack of fuel.

«Some gas stations have been closed since last week. When you ask what is happening, they say that there is no fuel,» the readers said.

There are difficulties with the purchase of diesel fuel. It is not on sale almost at all gas stations. At best, winter diesel fuel is sold. The situation is the same at gas stations in Chui region. Most of them sell only one type of fuel — AI 92 gasoline. About a dozen gas stations have been already closed.
